——- Restore Your Paint

Restore Your Paint
Bring life back to your paint with one of many correction options. From basic polishing to show car finishes, each vehicle is assessed and approached differently to ensure customer satisfaction.
Following a chemical and physical decontamination, a thorough inspection of your vehicle’s finish is performed to determine what defects are present and what level of correction you would like to proceed with. Through a series of paint depth measurements, compounding and polishing, special care is taken in this process to ensure that most defects are removed while leaving as much clear coat as possible.
Every vehicle is different when it comes to paint correction and it may be hard to know exactly what you want, but don’t worry! With thousands of hours of correction clocked, we will discuss your options with you and find the right package based on your vehicle’s needs and uses. Although optional, adding a ceramic coating to your correction is highly recommended, as this will add even more gloss to your finish and help keep it looking spotless.
Bring life back to your paint with one of many correction options. From basic polishing to show car finishes, each vehicle is assessed and approached differently to ensure customer satisfaction.
Following a chemical and physical decontamination, a thorough inspection of your vehicle’s finish is performed to determine what defects are present and what level of correction you would like to proceed with. Through a series of paint depth measurements, compounding and polishing, special care is taken in this process to ensure that most defects are removed while leaving as much clear coat as possible.
Every vehicle is different when it comes to paint correction and it may be hard to know exactly what you want, but don’t worry! With thousands of hours of correction clocked, we will discuss your options with you and find the right package based on your vehicle’s needs and uses. Although optional, adding a ceramic coating to your correction is highly recommended, as this will add even more gloss to your finish and help keep it looking spotless.

What defects are present and what is your end goal visually?
Safely remove defects based on what level of correction is decided on.
Add a ceramic coating to maintain your glossy finish.

——- Take a look at past projects